Second day

Read II Corinthians, 5, 18-20: God reconciled us with Himself.  Be reconciled!

God's initiative of reconciliation

Not a human project
Not an effort or labour on our part



Jesus reveals to us, not a God in judgement, but a RECONCILING God.

He does not want men to live in permanent conflict.
He defeats evil with good
It is not a pact
It is not a negotiation

 (Read Romans 5, 8 and 5, 10)


Reconciliation is:

The destruction of injustice
The offering of pardon

It is not indifference on the part of God towards sin, NO:

He has come to take away of the sin of the world
He asks us to love our enemies
Forgive 70 times  seven, it is the offering of an unlimited pardon: always.


Reconciliation with God makes possible reconciliation between men, it requires it.

If God accepts us, we all can accept

Christ is our peace: he has made the two peoples ONE.

It is not possible to live as sons without making the effort to live as brothers


Now read slowly: Matthew, 5, 23-24: "Leave the offering and become reconciled".



After reflecting upon all these ideas, try and pray.

Then write down the sentiments that spring from your soul.


(Make your final prayers as always)